When starting to work as a software developer I focused a lot on learning technical skills, but over the years I realised having only strong technical skills is not enough. I found out that my most successful projects were a success because of trust and good collaboration within the team rather than having a lot of experience in a certain technology. In order to build engaging products I realised: teamwork, clear communication, taking ownership and having a good attitude were main factors to success. In 2019 I decided to dedicate myself to continuously improving my mindset and soft skills in order to be able to help organisations better in creating high quality products and great teams. I believe that ownership of a product should reside in strong multi disciplinary teams that work on a basis of trust. Unfortunately I still see too many teams falling back to processes, tools and quality controls instead of investing how to better work together. Ultimately this comes at the cost of innovation and work engagement. That's why I am so passionate about changing this paradigm that is still very strong in our industry.

my personal photo

my work expierence


2004 - 2008:bachelor's degree in computer science from Hogeschool Utrecht


2023 - present:Senior flutter engineer at Hypervolt

2021 - 2023:Senior flutter engineer at Bonbot

2017 - 2020:Senior app developer at Philips Hue

2016 - 2017:QA engineer at NEP

2014 - 2016:QA engineer / Scrum master at Brabant water

2012 - 2014:Lead tester at Planon

2008 - 2012:Consultant / QA at Various organisations



Dart, Kotlin, Swift, TypeScript, Java and more


Flutter, Android, iOS, Google Cloud, Firebase, Bluetooth, iOT, Websocket, REST API, and more


Slack, Trello, Jira, Confluence, Notion and more